San Ramon Plastic Surgery and other demographic info
Notes on San Ramon, California
Webpages on San Ramon, CA
Medical information / Hospitals / Clinics San Ramon
Medical Spas, Cosmetic Lasers in San Ramon (not a complete listing), not
necessarily run by Plastic Surgeons
- Dr. Jeffrey Riopelle, MD, Family Medicine:
- Radiant images laser center suite 210, San Ramon, CA
- Blackhawk Cosmetic Laser: 5401 Norris Canyon Rd #312, San Ramon,
- Professional Skin Aeshtetics, 551 Hartz Avenue Danville, CA
- Dr. Hany Nakhla, Family Medicine, Hair removal, 2723 Crow Canyon Rd.
#110, San Ramon, CA
Plastic Surgery procedures include: Breast implants, Breast
Augmentation, Tummy tuck, Abdominoplasty, Liposuction, Veins, Lasers, Facelift,
breast lift, nose job, chin implants, buttock implants, body piercing, tattoo
removal, breast cancer reconstruction, trauma reconstruction, and even skin
cancers and skin moles.
- Dr. Ramin Behmand, Plastic Surgeon, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Walnut Creek: drbehmand.com. Address: 1776 Ygnacio Valley Rd.,
Suite 108, Walnut Creek, CA
- Dr. Nouri Ghorbani, Plastic Surgeon, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon,
Walnut Creek: ghorbanimd.com. Address: San Francisco Bay
Area. Address not found easily on his web site.
- Dr. Ronald Iverson, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon1387 Santa Rita Road, Pleasanton, CA 94566
(also an office in Danville)
- Dr. Stephen Ronan, MD Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Serving all of
San Francisco and the Bay Area, Blackhawkplasticsurgery.com Aesthetic
Plastic Surgery, 3600 Blackhawk Plaza Circle, Danville, CA 94506
- Dr. Kevin Ciresi, MD Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, has plastic
surgery blog on ciresiplasticsurgery.com, 5201 Norris Canyon Rd. Suite 110,
San Ramon, CA 94583
- Dr. Jeffrey Friedman, 5401 Norris Canyon Rd. #204, San Ramon
Plastic Surgery
- Dr. Stephen Larmore, ENT, 5401 Norris Canyon Rd. #302
- Dr. Thomas McNemar, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in San Ramon, mcnemarcosmeticsurgery.com
- Dr. Joseph Mele, Walnut Creek Plastic Surgery
- Dr. Timothy Leung, Danville
- Dr. Andrew Barnett, Walnut Creek and San Francisco
- Dr. Eric Bachelor, Plastic Surgery in Pleasanton and Danville
- Homayoun Attaran, Danville
- Dr. Eric Hisaka, MD, Pleasanton, 5720 Stoneridge Mall Road Suite
130, Pleasanton, CA
- Dr. Nathan Sewell, Danville
- Dr. Elliott Lavey, 913 San Ramon Valley Boulevard, Suite 288,
Danville, CA 94526
- Dr. Ramin Behmand, Walnut Creek Plastic Surgery
- Dr. Paul Wotowic 5201 Norris Canyon Road, Suite 330, San Ramon,
CA 94583
- Dr. Victoria Pao, Pleasanton, 1387 Santa Rita Road, Pleasanton,
CA 94566. Tel: 925-462-3700 / 20055 Lake Chabot Road, Castro Valley,
California, Tel: 510-537-1577 (Same Tel # as Dr. Iverson)
- Dr. Michelle Place, Danville 919 San Ramon Valley Boulevard Suite
255, Danville, CA 94526
- Then there's us: Dr. Tammy Wu, Board Certified Plastic
Surgeon / Surgical Artistry, Inc. Modesto, CA:
New Homes in San Ramon
Demographics of San Ramon
- Population of San Ramon in the year 2000: 45,704
- Population of San Ramon in the year 2005: 51,027
- Tax: 8.25%
- Mean Household Income: $102,300
- Average Home Price $734,500 as of April 2007
- Race: White 76.8%, Asian 14.9%, Hispanic 7.2%, African American
- Median age: 36.5
- Mean travel time to work: 31.3 minutes
- City land area: 30 square kilmeters
- Adjacent cities: Danville, Dublin
- Nearby cities: Alamo, Castro Valley, CA, Moraga, CA
San Ramon Money Magazine demographics
A spreasheet of I made
comparing San Ramon to other cities that interest me (ie. Blackhawk,
Danville, Dublin, Modesto, Novato, Pleasanton, San Jose, San Marino,
Alhambra, Walnut Creek - these are places I've either lived or visited.)
Purpose of this San Ramon web page
- We (Surgical Artistry and Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Tammy Wu)
are considering expanding our cosmetic / plastic surgery offices to San
Ramon. This is the help our San Ramon patients with their surgical
care, and to reduce the travel needed from San Ramon to Modesto.
- Expansion is an ongoing project, please call our office to inquire:
209-551-1888. We are currently located in Modesto, CA
- This research in to San Ramon is an ongoing project as well, as well as
research into other cities and areas of California.
Who would benefit from this San Ramon web page?
- Those looking to move to San Ramon
- Those moving to San Ramon
- Those who are in the San Ramon area looking for plastic surgery or
cosmetic procedures.
to this San Ramon Plastic Surgery satellite office research web page.
© Surgical Artistry, Inc 2007. Website (ramone
rubion) resides
on Dr. Tammy Wu, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon's computer server. She
has graciously allowed for many web pages to share space and be backed up daily
on her server. This San Ramon Notes web page was made by Calvin Lee.
Last updated:

Dr. Tammy Wu (Plastic Surgery), and Dr. Calvin Lee (General
at the Gallo Center For the Arts Founders Reception 2007.
Dr. Wu and Dr. Lee are also founders of Surgical Artistry, Inc.

To schedule an appointment,
please call (209) 551-1888
or email staff [at] surgerytoday.com

Artistry Inc.
T. Tammy Wu, MD - Plastic Surgeon
Calvin Lee, MD - General Surgeon, Acupuncturist
2336 Sylvan Ave. Suite C
Modesto, CA 95355(209) 551-1888

Our Plastic Surgery
office in Modesto, CA
Call us: (209) 551-1888
Write us:staff [at] surgerytoday.com
Tammy Wu, MD - Plastic Surgeon
Calvin Lee, MD - General Surgeon |
Plastic Surgery

Surgery Expertise includes:
Breast augmentation / Breast
Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty
Liposuction / Body contouring
Thigh lift / Buttock lift
Face lift / Neck lift


Our Surgical Artistry, Inc web
Plastic Surgery with Dr. Tammy Wu] [New to Modesto?]
[General Surgery] [Veins]
/ Alternative Medicine] [Breast
Implant FAQ] [Beyond Nip
Tuck] [Docs Play the Pops]
For clarification, we are currently in Modesto,
CA. We currently do not have a plastic surgery office in San Ramon.
However, a San Ramon Plastic Surgery office is possible. We currently have
many patients from San Ramon who come all the way over from the East Bay to
Modesto, to see Dr. Tammy Wu for Plastic Surgery.